Friday 6 January 2012

The Force of Creative Visualization

Recently, I wrote on “Beyond Positive Thinking in 2012”, as one of the tools and techniques that guarantee greatness and success in any field of human endeavour. But today, I deemed it fit to bring to you this article “The Force of Creative Visualization which is the act of using your mind and natural creative imagination to actually manifest those things that you wish to achieve most in your life. Over the years this has been seen as a powerful technique that has the tendency to turn the life of every man around for good. It is ones ability to bring about wonderful events, circumstances and accomplishments in one’s life just by thinking about them and creating a true, strong and vivid picture of what it is you desire and building on your inner strength to pursue such pictures and images.
Creative visualization is more than just positive thinking, it has to do with you going deeper into your mind to find out facts that were inside of you for many years through the relaxing state of your mind which can only happen through what I called ‘silent visualization’.
The very act of creative visualization brings about wonderful events in one’s life which occurs without you being aware. Some people call it coincidence but there is no such thing as coincidence in this world. We are responsible for what happens to us, with us, through us and by us. In fact, all that happens throughout our lives. That is to say, if you must enjoy true greatness and success in this year 2012, then you must make yourself open to Creative Visualization. One of the acceptable tools and techniques that can help you to tap into the picture that makes up your future and it can also help guarantee the reality of your dreams.
Our brain and mind are the most powerful forces on this Earth and the more we learn to use them to our positive advantage the better our lives can be. Like Winston Churchill said long time ago, that if a man makes a decision to do anything, heaven and earth will join force to make it happen.
It is in agreement with the above that, I began using the tools of creative visualization over ten years ago and it has just become a natural part of my everyday life and also at the same time serve as a fuel to the direction of my dreams, passion and vision and helping me to build upon my positive mental attitude for success. This works because it keeps me focused on thinking of things that I truly desire in my life and this in turn keeps me consistently working towards the actualization of that which I want most in life.
When I get out of bed in the morning I focus as hard as I can on a particular major goal I have set for myself. I visualize the achievement of that goal in complete detail and beforehand I see them happen in totality and reality. Throughout the process of the visualization I remain completely relaxed and just focus all my energy on the actualization of my visualization.
Once you have chosen your desire, object or event you want in life, visualize them as clearly as possible. Imagine it as though it has already occurred, exactly as you want it to be. Focus on them with all your emotions and visualize it as clearly and as vividly as you possibly can.
By using creative visualization you are sending a signal out into the universe and that signal will attract whatever positive events you want into your life. This has been passed down throughout history, it is called “The Law of Attraction” and it does not discriminate, it works the same for everyone. This is based on the fact that, when you send out positive, I mean expectant positive thoughts positive circumstances will begin to appear in your life that will help spur you to the actualization of what you have focused your mind on.
My advice is; keep all negative thoughts from entering your mind for this can destroy the entire visualization process. Your subconscious mind will not act on anything positive if there are negative thoughts associated with it in anyway. Only until you try to erase such negative thoughts from your thought system.
Take control of that inner voice within your mind and see to it that all your self-talk are positive. For Creative Visualization can help to bring about a true sense of peace and tranquility. It is a very positive act which can leave you filled with positive emotions that can lead you to your dreamland.
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To Your Summit Success,
Prince Ejeh BONIFACE
(Principal Director)

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