For years I practiced positive thinking and it had wonderful effects on my personal drive and performance. But it was when I truly went beyond positive thinking into positive acting and positive knowing that brought about positive personal development in my life.
Taking these steps to improve your self-image is taking a step beyond positive thinking. You are showing that you have a true desire to see some change in the way you live your life and in your thought process.
Every time I took a step forward I felt terrific inside. I was showing myself that I had the strength to overcome the obstacles that tried to get in my way and at the same time make the best out of them.
If you have a poor opinion of yourself, it had an adverse effect on your self-esteem and concept which in turn bring low your performance and productivity level. This is when you need to go beyond positive thinking and take a good hard look at your beliefs.
To go beyond positive thinking you have to work on every aspect of personal development. The most important being the self-image. Your self-image is made up of the confidence you hold in yourself and your self definition which in turn affects your self-esteem. That is why it’s so imperative to have a strong understand of all aspects of your personal development as they are all so closely related and each one affects the other.
Our self-esteem and our self-image are closely connected. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself and self-image is how you see yourself. This is what makes up the differences of people in society, for some their self-image has been molded and shaped in a very positive way. Yet for others it can be drastically damaged through destructive criticism received throughout their childhood.
Our self-esteem and our self-image are closely connected. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself and self-image is how you see yourself. This is what makes up the differences of people in society, for some their self-image has been molded and shaped in a very positive way. Yet for others it can be drastically damaged through destructive criticism received throughout their childhood.
Take Actions to Go Beyond Positive Thinking
You should be practicing the use of affirmations and positive self-talk but you must go beyond positive thinking to the point that you start to take some real action. Actions in the right direction that can also at the same time spur you to success and greatness. Do what I did and refuse to give in to the challenges life throws at you. Try something as easy as listening to audio programs that are motive-inspirational driven and reading books of timely truth and reality.
I have found more strength in using these audio programs and motive-inspirational books and resources. Of course without my true friends, team players and partners to lean on, I am not sure what impact any of these programs and resource (books) would have had on me.
If you have negative beliefs about anything having to do with yourself it is imperative that you do what you can to change those beliefs.
Here are 5 Ways to go Beyond Positive Thinking to Help Improve Your Self-Image in 2012.
1.) Focus strongly on the positive events that have taken place in your life.
2.) Think about the compliments that people give you and write them down. You are keeping a journal of all the positives that has ever happens in your life....RIGHT?
3.) Take on something that really challenges you------you might just really surprise yourself.
4.) Make some changes about yourself such as getting a new hair cut or buying some new clothes or even try a different behavior.
5.) Make list of things you like about yourself that include things such as; appearance, personality, skills, traits and other attributes that you take pride in.
6.) Try reading or listening to something motivational , something that will make you feel good and help you to look at life a little differently.
7.) Help someone else out. This can help you feel good about yourself and boost your self-esteem and thus your self-image. And at the same time try something new, something you never tried before like self-hypnosis and evaluations.
Taking these steps to improve your self-image is taking a step beyond positive thinking. You are showing that you have a true desire to see some change in the way you live your life.
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To Your Summit Success,
Prince Ejeh BONIFACE
(Principal Director)
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