Wednesday, 10 August 2011


                                                                  WHO YOU ARE…
Most time in life we get to the bend of the road – Yes! But the fact still remains that, the bend of the road in life does not signify the end; it’s just a traffic jam. So to say, we are all here on earth for a given purpose, which whenever I sit down in my closet to ponder on, I always come to the realization that, we all have our different assignment in life which we must bring to fulfillment by putting everything at our disposal (potential, skill , knowledge and talent) into adequate use. That is, every man and woman irrespective of our colour, tribe, race, affinity and culture; we are individually created, designed, fashioned and also wired for a specific task which its fulfillment is of utmost necessity to our creator – (The Infinite Intelligence). All of the above revelation brings me to the conclusion of who you are:
Ø You are somebody’s life
Ø You are somebody’s hope
Ø You are somebody’s strength
Ø You are somebody’s lifting
Ø You are somebody’s might
Ø You are somebody’s energy
Ø You are somebody’s idea
Ø You are somebody’s inspiration
Ø You are somebody’s motivation
Ø You are somebody’s success
Ø You are somebody’s greatness
Ø You are somebody’s empowerment
Ø You are somebody’s force for action
Ø You are somebody’s purpose
Ø You are somebody’s teacher
Ø You are somebody’s mentor
Ø You are somebody’s role-model
Ø You are somebody’s passion
Ø You are somebody’s healing
Ø You are somebody’s joy
Ø You are somebody’s smile
Ø You are somebody’s progress
Ø You are somebody’s light
Ø You are somebody’s breakthrough
Ø You are somebody’s happiness
Ø You are somebody’s power
Ø You are somebody’s peace
Ø You are somebody’s drive
Ø You are somebody’s focus
Ø You are somebody’s channel to the throne
Ø You are somebody’s worth
Ø You are somebody’s deliverer
Ø You are somebody’s glory
Ø You are somebody’s influence
Ø You are somebody’s eyes
Ø You are somebody’s ears
Ø You are somebody’s breathe
Ø You are somebody’s savior
Ø You are somebody’s love
You should make yourself all things to all men, because you are a solution to your generation.
To be continued…

For Info, Booking & Feedback contact your Life Coach on:

08051419655, 07030786366, 08096559639 0r email us @, www.greatimpactinternational.b​


(Principal Director)


It has been my greatest honour and priviledge over the past decade as an ambitious growing young man to mix, mingle and at the same time to be mentored and tutored by many men and women in different field of leadership within and outside the country. It has always been a fascination as I personally come to discover that, people naturally and without stress follow these leaders base on their leadership styles and qualities.
If there should ever be anytime in the history of our generation where we should be studying leadership principles is now. This was in marriage with the fact that, the greatest and daunting challenge of this present world is tied to leadership. I mean leadership on every field of our daily live. That is, the greatest need of the hour is a clarion call for constructive, creative, effective, positive and productive leadership. The church, industry, education, labour and government are all starving and at the same time yearning for positive and qualitative leadership. It is indisputable that, we have a large number of people filling leadership position but the confronting question is; how many of this leaders are fulfilling the core and essence of their leadership?  The above question now brings me to share with you the definitions of leadership in this context.
The concept of leadership over the years has been defined by many authors and leaders from different field and background.
Ø “Leadership is the discipline of deliberately exerting special influence within a group to move it towards goals of beneficial performance that fulfill the group’s real needs” – John Haggai
Ø “Leadership is:
·        Knowing what to do next;
·        Knowing while that is important; and
·        Knowing how to bring appropriate resources to bear on the need at hand” – Bobb Bichl
Ø “Also, leadership is an awesome responsibility, the process of encouraging and helping others to work enthusiastically towards achieving a set objectives” – Bob Baes.
Having known what leadership is, the next thing that comes to mind is; who is a leader? This question is a captivating one that requires an open answer in as much as true leadership is concerned.
Ø “A leader is someone who cause people to take effective action” – Howard Hendricks
Ø “A leader is one who guides and develops the activities of others and seeks to provide continual training and direction” – Ted Engstrom
Ø Succinctly, a leader is one:
·        Who knows the way,
·        Goes the way and;
·        Shows the way.
My beloved friends, you too can know the way, go the way and lead or show the way. But, all you need to do is for you to become ‘UNLEARN’ so as to, ‘LEARN’.
  To be continued…

For Info, Booking & Feedback contact your Life Coach on:

08051419655, 07030786366, 08096559639 0r email us @, 

(Principal Director)

Monday, 1 August 2011


Success is not a citizen of any nation or tribe. The above phrase is in agreement with the scripture in the book of Ruth 1:16, the account of Ruth and her mother in-law (Naomi).
The above biblical story has really repelled and propelled me as a young man to cultivate the habit of persistence. In the early 2000, when I gained an understanding of the concept, I begin to develop a routine for persistency by maintaining the culture of not taking ‘NO’ for an answer. And this has really helped me to develop principle that has really contributed to my personal development in Leadership and field of endeavours.
        What is persistence if someone may ask? Persistence is one refusing to say or take no for an answer when faced with daunting challenges or crisis.
It could be in Leadership, Management, Academics, Career, and Business and so on. With persistency in place, you can develop the ability and momentum to convince your Clients/Customers or even Business partners in the business world and vice versa.
        Persistence is an essential factor in transmitting desire and passion into its monetary equivalent. And fully a product of desire, plan and action, which is also called the 3P’s according to Calvin Collidge;
*Passion -    Desire
*Purpose-    Specific plan
*Pursuit-      Action
The above 3P’s puts together guarantees prosperity (success) in any field of endeavours.
I.e. Passion + Purpose + Pursuit = Prosperity.
And these 3P’s when paired together, always end up producing wealth and real success.
        It was believed that, 90% of people quit at 90% of accomplishing their goals/objectives according to Thomas Edison a renowned scientist, but reverse is the case in this present time, where it is believed that, 99% of people quit a mere 20% of the way/journey to success.
The reality of life is that, those who persist win, while those who do not loose.
        You must take note; passion and faith are the fuel that produces persistence. Which in turn guarantee one’s success in life? And the gospel truth is, success is not negotiable and winning is not everything but the only thing in life, business and all other field of endeavours.
Persistence; the only force that turns stumbling block into stepping stones on one’s pathway to achieving success and wealth.
        Succinctly, persistence and determination are the omnipotent. This is because, if you fail to persist, you will persist in failing. Persistence produce success, while every man’s success in life is a combination of idea’s fully backed up by energy and persistence
I.e. Success = Ideas + Energy+ Persistence.
Beloved, Success is yours in as much as you can display persistence at its peak.