Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Be the One to Change… (Pt 2)

Everyone Knows That Change is Inevitable and it Happens Fast!
Although most every leader perceive a need for change, few leaders can convince others to believe in change, and fewer still can actually achieve change – John C. Maxwell. In this edition of Leadership Today, I will be writing about leaders who will not only talks about change but also will be able to make it happen by accepting that true change start with them first. That is, with the word ‘ME’.
It takes more energy to resist change than it does to embrace it. Change is like rain, we all know it is good for us but none of us want to get wet. Your resistance to change is rooted in the fear of the unknown. Therefore, you gain great power and confidence by understanding what a particular change means to you.
As you understand change and your reactions to it, you begin to see the growth and benefits that change can bring and you may never be afraid of getting wet again.
I used to say, "I am sure and hope things will change." Then I learned that the only way things are going to change for me is when I change. In the course of making changes to your life, society or organization, inevitably you will bump up against a roadblock or experience defeat. When you do, be vocal in helping your team to interpret what happened and put it in perspective. Mishaps foster doubt and cause people to second-guess leadership. In these moments, it's imperative to reassert the necessity of change, and to refocus everyone on the next step rather than allowing them to wallow in the recent setback. The followings below are the continuation of the qualities listed in my last articles;

Seven Qualities of a Leader Who Achieves Change... (Continued)

5) Risks Failure
Inherent in the quest for change is the chance that you may muck it up and make things worse. However, you can't let the possibility of failure override your commitment to drive change. Every leader who ever accomplished greatness incurred risk. Aspiring for a better future requires us to let go of the security we have today.

6) Initiates Action
As Mahatma Gandhi famously said, "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Leaders must go first and give the most. Only after a leader demonstrates his or her commitment will the team be persuaded to follow. Decisive action on the part of a leader inspires confidence in the people.

7) Endures Criticism
People grow accustomed to routine, and they resent anyone who threatens to disrupt how they work. As President Woodrow Wilson observed, "If you want to make enemies, try to change something." Every time you attempt to implement a change, you're going to be unpopular with somebody. However, if you try to appease people by disregarding changes, then eventually your organization will suffer. When that happens, the people who once resisted change will now complain that you failed to initiate it! Either way, you'll face criticism, so you might as well endure it in the short term to do what's best for your organization in the long run.

By no means is this a comprehensive list of the qualities needed to be an agent of change, but these traits are essential for any influencer interested in transforming his or her organization. The one constant in leadership is change. Learn to drive it rather than merely trying to survive it, and you'll have a much more enjoyable leadership journey.

You will make IMPACT!!!


For Info, Booking & Feedback Contact Your Life Coach On:

To Your Success Summit,
Prince Ejeh Boniface
Great Impact International
(Executive Director)

Monday, 5 December 2011

Be the One to Change

Politician’s promises change when they run for public or elective offices, but seldom are the pledges made from campaign podiums matched by real, measurable results after an election. In fairness to our politicians, initiating change and carrying it through to completion is a monumental challenge. Attempts to bring about change encounter fierce opposition and entrenched resistance which make the electorates to wallow in the state of hopelessness and despair.
Although most leaders perceive a need for change, few leaders can convince others to believe in change, and fewer still can actually achieve change. In this edition of Leadership Today, I will be writing about leaders who will not only talks about change but also will be able to make it happen.

Seven Qualities of a Leader Who Achieves Change...

1) Considers Conditions
Just because a change could be made doesn't mean it should be made. Sometimes an organization lacks the people, resources, or energy to successfully implement change. Leaders have to be sensitive to the rhythm of the organization in order to understand when the time is ripe to shift gears. Similarly, leaders have to monitor the pace of change. Too much at once can dishearten and overwhelm a team. While people must be prodded to make changes, they also should be allowed space to adjust themselves to new ways of doing things.

2) Builds a Coalition
The responsibility to lead change rests squarely on your shoulders, but the burden shouldn't be carried alone. In fact, unless you convince key stakeholders to join your cause, then your attempt at change most likely is doomed. Before you initiate change, make every effort to win over the prominent influencers around you.

3) Communicates Urgency
As John Kotter warns, "By far the biggest mistake people make when trying to change organizations is to plunge ahead without establishing a high enough sense of urgency in fellow managers and employees." People naturally resist changes, so they must be incentivized to make them. In talking to your team about change, underscore the impending dangers of complacency. Light a fire under your people by giving them a glimpse of the regret and discomfort they will experience if they avoid doing things differently. They need to know what's at stake before they will be motivated to alter their behavior.

4) Champions Rewards
Early in my leadership years I mistakenly thought that "my people" were there to help me achieve my vision and my goals. Over time, I came to understand that the purpose of my leadership was to serve others in meeting their needs and attaining their goals. To drive change, I had to appeal to people based upon their desires instead of mine. I had to spell out clearly, and personalize individually, the benefits and rewards of change for each member of my team.

By no means is this a comprehensive list of the qualities needed to be an agent of change, but these traits are essential for any influencer interested in transforming his or her organization. The one thing constant in leadership is change. Learn to drive it rather than merely trying to survive it and you'll have a much more enjoyable leadership journey.

To be continued…

For Info, Booking & Feedback Contact Your Life Coach On:

To Your Summit Success ,
Prince Ejeh Boniface
Great Impact International
(Executive Director)

Thursday, 10 November 2011


This article is purely and highly inspiring and motivating. The gospel question is this; who told you that, you can’t make IMPACT in life and what makes you feel you are the worst and can’t step and rise up to become a world figure?

You can live your dreams, even when faced with challenges, oppositions and storms of life!!!

These are examples of men and women who made impact and living legacies against all odds:

In spite of blindness – Stevie Wonder became a global figure in music.
In spite of deafness and being told by his teacher that he has no hope as a composer – Beethoven became of the greatest composer in the history of mankind.
In spite of being born without limbs – Nick Vijucic became one of the world most respected men. His story became a source of inspiration and motivation to the world of man.
In spite of not having a college degree – Inazio Silva ruled Brazil for two terms as President.
In spite of dropping out of school – Bill Gates becomes one of the world’s richest men and a philanthropist of high pedigree and he today, employs best brain in the field of technology of which most are graduates from the school he dropped out.
In spite of being told by his teacher that he is too stupid and lukewarm to learn anything when he was a schoolboy which was a reason that he dropped out of school without a degree – Thomas Edison became the greatest inventors of all time, leaving his name and legacies on the sand of time.
In spite of being abused at a tender age – Ophrah Winfrey put her past behind and went ahead to become the world’s most sought after and paid entertainer and the weathiest black woman on earth.
In spite of spending 27 years of his entire life in prison as a result of fighting against colonialism and apartheid in South Africa – Nelson Mandela becomes an African leader the world will never forget in a hurry. And at the same time became the President of South Africa.
In spite of being told by his teacher that he can never become a millionaire – Farrah Gray became a self – millionaire at the age of 14
In spite of being a slave boy in no man’s land (Egypt) and imprisoned – Joseph became the first Prime Minister in a foreign land.
In spite of being imprisoned many times – Apostle Paul still followed his purpose and passion which was to preach the gospel and he wrote the largest portion of the scripture (New Testament) in the prison and;
In spite of being born to a poor carpenter in a manger – Our Lord Jesus became the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the greatest man that has ever lived with great display of wisdom… Hallelujah!!!

The story goes on and on, about people (men and women) who have lived their dreams in the face of numerous challenges, oppositions and storms.

What is it that you are facing now which seems difficult for you to overcome? “You are the way you are because of who you are and the decisions you make” – Myles Munroe. God want to use just the way you are. You don’t need anything you don’t have to be who God created you to be. You can still live your dreams despite the storms you are passing through right now. Only God knows why he created you the way you are and why you are passing through all you are passing through. They all happened for a purpose, and sooner or later you will see all working together for you good.
Whatever you are going through in life is to help you fulfill your purpose on earth and at the same time bring glory to God, you and mankind.
So, look for God intent in that situation in your life. Instead of complaining and murmuring about the way you were created. For all that you are going through in life, all you need to do is to find out why you are the way you are, why you went through all you went through or why you are going through what you are going through? Your answers to these questions may lead you to discovering purpose which is the essence for your existence.

Be happy about yourself because you are the best. Nobody is better than you and at the same time, nobody can be you. Develop a positive mental attitude (PMA) that will propel and spur you to greatness and success in life.
Despite all that these people who are our main point of reference pass through, they developed and maintained a possibility and positive mindset about themselves and also understood that their life could only be what they made it and not what anybody says about it. They had the ‘will power’ to go after their dreams and at the same time live it.

So, if they did it, you can even do more. Wake up, sit up, rise up and start up!!! Believe in yourself and your dreams.


It is time for you to ‘arise and shine’ …
For Info, Booking & Feedback Contact Your Life Coach On:
08051419655, 07030786366, 08096559639 or email Us @ prince4gr8impact@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/greatimpact, www.greatimpactinternational.blogspot.com

To Your Success,
Prince Ejeh Boniface
Great Impact International
(Executive Director)


Friday, 14 October 2011


Over the past two weeks I have not been too committed to posting and updating articles on my blog. This was in connection with the pressing demand on my time to project my vision to my place of birth, I mean my very origin. The capitol of Kogi state (Lokoja). Lokoja is the capital city of Kogi State, in central Nigeria, and is a port on Niger River. Founded by William Balfour Baikie according to European historical records, although there have been indigenous people living in the area for thousands of years. Lokoja was the capital of British Northern Nigeria Protectorate and remained a convenient administrative town for the British colonial government after the amalgamation of Northern and Southern Nigeria Protectorates into one nation called Nigeria in 1914.[2]
The first Governor General Lord Frederick Lugard ruled the new nation of Nigeria from Lokoja. The city has since grown to an estimated 90000 inhabitants. [3] It is a trade center for its agricultural region because it sits at the confluence of the Niger and Benue rivers, and is close to the new federal capital of Nigeria in Abuja. Near Lokoja (in Ajaokuta) are metallurgy facilities and iron ore mines

Lokoja is also a Local Government Area of Kogi State with an area of 3180 km² and a population of 195,261 at the 2006 census. It is bounded by the Niger in the north and east upstream from the capital until the border with Kwara State, and includes the city of Lokoja. The postal code of the area is 260.[4] It is home to the Kogi State Polytechnic
I will be sharing on one of my greatest experience in the course of this journey which is in correlation with purpose. Despite the storms and pressures of life, men that always run with purpose will survive the test of time. In the word of Robert Bryne - “for the purpose of life in itself is a life of purpose”. And when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse becomes inevitable – Myles Munroe. And when a man run with purpose, he/she has the capacity to survive every opposition and storms of life. My beloved, am challenging you to live a life of purpose and run with that purpose. Putting your life in your hand, with the mindset that, ‘if I die, I die, If I perish, I perish. Looking you in the eyes and telling yourself the truth that; I AM BORN TO DO THIS... Until a man comes to this understanding and make such decisions irrespective of the challenges around you’re him/her, then a life of purpose which propels greatness and success in life’s endeavours is not in view.
Running a life of purpose means deadly commitment to one’s vision and goals in life which have the capability to bring about quantum change and improvement to his/her family, immediate community, society, nation and the world at large. A man that must ‘run with purpose’ is a man who purpose is driven to live a life of achievement and fulfillment that will bring about greater glory and honour.
Apostle Paul in the Bible is an example of a man that runs with purpose. While speaking about his life; he said and I quote, ‘I run straight, to my goals with purpose in every step. What a way to live! Running straight, not up and down, helter-skelter, nor crooked. Running to his goals not aimless pursuit. He knows how to move in every step. No wonder! He achieved greatly during his mission in life. He made GREAT IMPACT in his lifetime. Like Mathew Arnold said and I quote: “resolve to be thyself, and know that, he who finds himself loses his mastery.” That is; it is better to live and run with purpose rather than have a purpose.
For a man to be able to run with his/her purpose, the following must be fully observed:
ü  Choose your purpose
ü  Choose how you spend your TIME
ü  Choose how to develop your natural talents, skills and potentials and;
ü  Choose how to make use of your natural talents skills and all of that.

The entire above put together, helps to create joy and meaning for yourself and others. Now is the time for you to re-organize your entire life and at the same time re-strategize. It is also high time for you to clearly define what your own quota will be to your generation which will in turn guarantee what you can get out of life; for it is your input that determines your output in life.
Finally, set yourself to pursue your purpose. For it has been said that; if you aim at something, you will hit it. Because, if you think you have a very long time to live, think again.it is high time you begin to make meaning out of your life by living a life of purpose and running with it, for your existence is not an act of accidence. Aim at a defined goal every single day of your life.

 CHALLENGE: Don’t be a YES man!

Word for Thought: “when I chase after money, l never got enough. But when I got my life on purpose and focus on giving myself and everything that came into my life, I became prosperous”  –Wyan Dyer

You will make IMPACT!!!

 For Info, Booking & Feedback Contact Your Life Coach On:

(Executive Director)

Thursday, 8 September 2011


It is not position that makes the leader; it is the leader that makes the position via accurate goal setting. This is because; when it comes to identifying a leader, don’t listen to the claim of the person professing to be the leader, don’t examine his/her credentials, title, status or facial appearance but, check his/her influence which could only be exhibited through an unflinching goal setting. For the proof to true leadership which is accrued to goal setting is found in the follower-ship.
Goals are vision with feet. Goals are set of specific, measurable steps to achieve one’s vision life. It will deliver a leader from crisis management and help the leader to know the right direction whenever the vision seems blurred. You switch from ‘fire fighting’ to ‘fire prevention’.
The most effective goals in the history of mankind are stated in the present tense, and yet are entirely believable to be you. They are worded which make your goal now to be in the process of happening in the course of pursuing your life purpose – not that it has already been achieved, which is not believable. “I am a great leader or I am a millionaire” is stated in the present, yet it is something your conscious and subconscious mind will have difficulty to agree with. But in reality, you are struggling to pay your rent every month. Here is where the power of goal setting and positive affirmation lies; it has worked for me and millions of people out there. Once you start affirming your goal’s list positively, naturally over the time they start getting clearer and clearer with the pictures of those goals in view – and those pictures started to include some very specific step to take that will in turn guarantee the actualization of your dreams.
6 questions that will help a leader establish some long range goals over the next 10 years:
1.What do I want to do?
2.What do I want to be?
3.What do I want to see?
4.What do I want to have?
5.Where do I want to go?
6.What would I like to share?

When a man is able to have a clearer understanding about this all time questions that bring about an outstanding lifestyle then you are on your way to making impact and achieving greatness.
A man with a goal set for his/her life has a ‘yes’ face, because; they inspires their followers to greatness and greater heights. Goals are essential keys to achievement and success in life. But, it is so touching that, of only 3% of people have goals and write them down; 10% more have goals but keep them in their heads; while the rest 87% drift through life without definite goals or plans – John C. Maxwell. They do not know where they are going and allows other people to drive them through life by taking the driver’s seat of their destiny. Most importantly, the 3% accomplish from 50-100 times more during their lifetime more than the 10%.
To cap it all, goal setting is an on-going discipline which generates greater respect for the goal setter. You have to avail yourself to setting goals if you must achieve greatness and actualize your vision in life.
You will succeed and become great!
For Info, Booking & Feedback Contact Your Life Coach On:
08051419655, 07030786366, 08096559639 or email Us @ prince4gr8impact@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/greatimpact, www.greatimpactinternational.blogspot.com

(Executive Director)

Wednesday, 10 August 2011


                                                                  WHO YOU ARE…
Most time in life we get to the bend of the road – Yes! But the fact still remains that, the bend of the road in life does not signify the end; it’s just a traffic jam. So to say, we are all here on earth for a given purpose, which whenever I sit down in my closet to ponder on, I always come to the realization that, we all have our different assignment in life which we must bring to fulfillment by putting everything at our disposal (potential, skill , knowledge and talent) into adequate use. That is, every man and woman irrespective of our colour, tribe, race, affinity and culture; we are individually created, designed, fashioned and also wired for a specific task which its fulfillment is of utmost necessity to our creator – (The Infinite Intelligence). All of the above revelation brings me to the conclusion of who you are:
Ø You are somebody’s life
Ø You are somebody’s hope
Ø You are somebody’s strength
Ø You are somebody’s lifting
Ø You are somebody’s might
Ø You are somebody’s energy
Ø You are somebody’s idea
Ø You are somebody’s inspiration
Ø You are somebody’s motivation
Ø You are somebody’s success
Ø You are somebody’s greatness
Ø You are somebody’s empowerment
Ø You are somebody’s force for action
Ø You are somebody’s purpose
Ø You are somebody’s teacher
Ø You are somebody’s mentor
Ø You are somebody’s role-model
Ø You are somebody’s passion
Ø You are somebody’s healing
Ø You are somebody’s joy
Ø You are somebody’s smile
Ø You are somebody’s progress
Ø You are somebody’s light
Ø You are somebody’s breakthrough
Ø You are somebody’s happiness
Ø You are somebody’s power
Ø You are somebody’s peace
Ø You are somebody’s drive
Ø You are somebody’s focus
Ø You are somebody’s channel to the throne
Ø You are somebody’s worth
Ø You are somebody’s deliverer
Ø You are somebody’s glory
Ø You are somebody’s influence
Ø You are somebody’s eyes
Ø You are somebody’s ears
Ø You are somebody’s breathe
Ø You are somebody’s savior
Ø You are somebody’s love
You should make yourself all things to all men, because you are a solution to your generation.
To be continued…

For Info, Booking & Feedback contact your Life Coach on:

08051419655, 07030786366, 08096559639 0r email us @ prince4gr8impact@gmail.com

www.facebook.com/greatimpact, www.greatimpactinternational.b​logspot.com


(Principal Director)